
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Gong Xi.. Gong Xi..

Gong Xi Fat Chai for those who celebrates..

Hmm.. after spending almost a day only sleeping like bangke kebo dan super mati gaya because raining all day (hmm.. lucky u, they said chinese new year with rain all day will bring fortune for the rest of this rat year), came my saviour of my boring day.. KURI!! hahaha..
he ask me to accompany him buat cari komik ma nonton XL-xtraLarge..
hwah, tempting tuh, XL kan ada sarah sechan ma jamie aditya pasti lucu!

dan.. emang bner!! ahahahahaha..

inspite some of the missing details i can say that the movie is CWO BGT!!!
huwh.. sapa juga cowo yg ga ngiler ngliat Francine Roosenda seksoy, geboy, berbaju minim, kerjaan pecun dgn syarat 'kapanpun jamie mau ML, lo hrs mau' dan dibilang YA! huaaaa... tp overall lucu ko..

another remarks for today, it's uTT b'day and i thought it was my bro's also..
trnyata abng gw ultahnya tgl 8feb.. hohoho.. maap y uTT slh info.. terdistract ma lo siy.. hehehehe..
actually i still have somethin for u utt, but i guess it can wait until ndul dtg dr pati.. ga enak plus ga brani juga gw dtg kucluk-kucluk-kucluk k kosan lo khusus buat nyari lo.. haaaaaahhh.. butuh cadangan jantung berbelas-belas biji pastinya!
secara lo lewat dpn mata gw aja jantung gw dah ilang.. hahahaha.. lebay bner ah..
tp makasih y.. bgt..bgt.. masih mu bersikap baek ma gw, mskipun [mungkin] lo kbratan
gw sms-sms g penting..
gw gatau apakah gw dah sanggup mnerima kata 'TIDAK' lg dr org..
makanya pas uTT jwb 'g ush ksi kdo' ugh!! JREBB bgt..
but after i read the last sms, ur reason so acceptable ko, and u deliver it with smart and sweet way.. so that's the end of my broken-hearted-feeling-bcoz-of-rejection..
hehehehe.. well until u said NO to my existence, i think i'll be here.. hehehe..

thanks buat Noer,, makasih yah bu, dah nemenin gw muter2 dr muter2 Simpang5 ampe muter2 gramed dengan kcepatan tinggi alias kejar-kejaran.. hahahahaha,,
goblok bgt kita yah, gw nabrak anak kcil dan lo ngjatuhin buku banyak bgt! hahahaha.. untung kita ga langsung diusir trus dibanned ga boleh dtg ksitu lg..
ntar kapan2 kita jalan lg ye, kan lumayan ntar jam terbang naek bis lo bisa bertambah
hahahahaha.. tp jgn pake muntah plgny.. hehehe..

uwah.. tidur deh gw,, dah happy.. bertemu dgn teman2 gw yg kucinta, bersms dgn uTT, dan perut penuh dgn doping blueberry sauce yg enak bgt!! haaaa...
nite Henney [wallpaper penuh dgn muka dan bodynya], u still amazingly damn
handsome and lovely with that sixpacks.. *wink*

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