
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

to let go is not that easy..


I gather all my brain now.. hihihi.. thanks yah dee for encourage me! so, what drives me to update this blog again is the thirst.. the thirst to put all my thought, said or unsaid.. well sometime the unsaid one is more frustrating.. myself even can't believe what i thought.. hihi.. wokey.. cut the crap.. and here go the recap of what i done few months back..

1. maret-juni : gw enroll MST, program trainingcourse dari fpik ITB dan DAAD, and i got second place at the end of the course.. yippie.. bisa dibilang gw mlebarkan sayap ksisni.. hihihi..(talk bout this later)
2. sempet jd translator korea lagi (hint: i can't speak korean).. dan menikmati kelezatan kuliner korea (and again.. talk bout this later on)
3. akhirnya mendarat di sebuah majalah dengan segmen wanita muda di daerah kemayoran dr skitar sebulan lalu..

and.. disinilah gw.. memakai fasilitas kantor untuk nulis blog, frensteran (emng masih jaman yeh?
), fesbukan, chatting, which that all i consider my jobdesk here.. hihihihi..

uiya, below i wrote the fragment of my scattered heart (duuuhh.. basi laahh.. ko gw ga sembuh-sembuh)

"cowo menang kalo jadian ma cewe yg deketin, cewe menang kalo menolak cowo yang deketin"

is it? i quote that dari temen melawski mania gw pipiw, yg juga lagi suka ma kata 'human nature'.. klo gw lebih suka ma kata 'nature calls' deh piw.. hihihi..
dya sms kata2 itu as a reply to mine..
'konyol.. kok gw mrasa seperti dislingkuhi dan dikhianati sih.. konyol..'

why? seseorang yg sblumnya melimpahi gw dgn kata-kata carenya suddenly sms, 'hey, i must say to you, i now have a GF, i dont want u to know from somebody else bout me.. so, here it is! i hope u get the best man u can get'

hohohohohhoohoho.. syok aja dong gw!! secara 1 menit sblum gw baca smsnya gw masih angkat telponnya dan we chat like nothing bad has ever happened before.. like we never see each other for a long time (which is quite true).. well i could say, that was nice talk at the rite time.. the time that i feel somehow i miss him.. and i've been really such a bad ass to him.. dan timbullah regret gw..

and tadaaaaa... smsnya bagai palu godam.. terdiam membisu gw.. shit..shit..shit.. ga jadi regret dah akhirnya.. i thought he consider me more.. tp bisa jadian secepat itu ma org lain.. well gw rasa again gw salah menilai.. dan yg gw lakuin kmren ke dya dng kata-kata gw yg jahat.. hmm.. well.. anggap aja itu likaliku kehidupan dlm mengenal gw.. hahahaha..

lha.. tapi trus knapa gw malemnya mrasa dikhianati dan dislingkuhi ya?! padahal dya juga belom menjadi siapa-siapa gw slaen teman dekat.. maybe the fact that he's not there anymore for me.. the fact that he now has a 'private reminder' of his activity..

apakah bnar gw mrasa amburadul gini krn gw merasa KALAH?!

shoot!!! shallow bgt otak gw...


  1. jeung anin..
    makasi dah menyebut namaku di baris pertama postinganmu...
    jd terharu ni..apalagi stl skianlama dirimu menghilang dr dunia per blog--an huehehe...

    hayo..menulis lbh byk lg bu,...
    biar diriku ad bacaan di kala senggang ..hahaha

  2. hahah.. untung blog gw bentuknya ga koran pake kertas gitu ya.. bisa2 abis dibaca dikucel2 ma orang..
    sukur-sukur klo di recycle jd bungkus kacang rebus.. :p
